The first 100 training days is the time when you literally build the foundation of your inner cultivation. You start to replenish your energy center (Xià dāntián 下 丹田) with more and more energy (Qì 气) and start to feel positive changes in health. During this time, several things are recommended and my master said for people who still have a lot of addictions, should focus on one addiction. But the first 2 points should definitely be considered. It is about that during this time we also cleanse and build up (strengths) as in the body as in the spirit. Let me become one unity. How to learn to solve attachments so that we get closer to understanding everything. 1. Practice During this time, it is important that you at least meditate and to do the Qi Gong 1-2 times a day. I recommend starting every day with meditation in the morning and then followed with a Qi Gong and ending the day than with a Qi Gong followed by meditation. 1 level - morning mediation & evening Qi Gong 2 level - morning meditation & evening qigong followed by meditation 3rd level - morning meditation Qi Gong & evening Qi Gong meditation 2. Sexual Abstinence No sexual acts, not even with yourself during this time, to save this energy and transform with Qi Gong and meditation, this happens in the naturalness of the practice. 3. Nutrition A lighter diet is recommended, which means that it is best to go to the next level. Unless you already eat at least vegetarian then you can keep it or
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